“Happy to share the Sangha has acquired residential land, for the Establishment of a Centre for Meditation and Yoga. This is within Celebrity resorts, Shamirpet.

We are planning to construct 20 to 25 rooms and a meditation hall. This will be exclusively for spiritual seekers in a phase wise manner, over the next few months. Work will begin shortly.

I thank everyone of those who have directly or indirectly supported this cause. By contributing in some form for us to arrive this far you have made this project possible.

We are hopeful and confident that we will continue to receive your love, support and blessings. Going ahead we aim to accomplish what we have set upon ourself to achieve in the field of Yoga and Non dual Awareness.” ~ Rajiv Kapur

For enquiries, you can also contact Deeya Siddhi here: http://rajivkapur.com/DeeyaSiddhi/